Our Members are known for being positive and vibrant. Whether in Club-life or charitable community involvement, The Club sets a standard of innovation, active participation, and forward thinking.
Requirements for membership:
Applicants will be interviewed by the Committee prior to acceptance or rejection
Documents to be attached with this application
(Please refer to PDF file below):
• Ordinary Membership
• Limited Transfer Membership
• Conversion from Junior to Ordinary
• Nominated Membership
• Junior Membership
• Associate Membership
Membership qualification:
Membership (other than Junior Membership under Rule 5.5) is open to all persons who have attained the age of 21 years, and are of good character and are not bankrupts.
5.5.3 In the event where an Ordinary Member’s child between the age of 18 and 21 years at the time when the parent becomes a member of the club, the membership of such a child is at the discretion of the committee and subject to such conditions as the Committee may determine.
Election of candidates:
The name of each candidate with the names of his proposer and seconder shall ordinarily be posted on the Club notice board for not less than 1 month before such candidate shall be eligible for election.
On the expiry of the period of posting provided under Rule 7.1 the Secretary shall, prior to the election of a candidate invite such candidate and his proposer or his seconder to meet at least 5 members of the committee.
The committee shall not consider the election of a candidate who has not complied with the provision of Rule 7.2 unless such candidate has been exempted from doing so by the Committee due to exceptional circumstances.
A candidate who has been twice invited to meet the Committee and fails to do so without giving reasonable explanation for such failure shall be deemed to have withdrawn his application.
At any time before his election the application of a candidate maybe:-
• withdrawn by the candidate, or
• withdrawn by his proposer or seconder, or
• rejected by the Committee, or
• rendered void by the proposer or seconder creasing to be a member under Rule 11.3 or being expelled under Rule 12 unless within a period of seven days of such cessation, or such further period as the Committee may permit, some other member replaces his proposer or seconder as the case may be.
The election of candidates shall be by the Committee who shall have discretion as to the number of candidates to be admitted to the membership of the Club. The Secretary shall as soon as possible after the decision of the Committee inform each candidate whether or not he has been elected.
A candidate may enjoy the amenities of the Club and be liable to pay the same monthly subscription only upon notification of his election in writing from the Secretary.
Entrance fee and deposit:
Ordinary Members
• A candidate for ordinary membership shall pay an Entrance Fee of RM16,000.00.
• If a application is subsequently withdrawn by the candidate or proposer or seconder, only 50 per cent of the Entrance Fee will be refunded.
• If an application is subsequently rejected by the Committee or declared void as under Rule 7.5 (d) then a full refund will be made.
• A candidate for ordinary membership shall pay on application a further sum equivalent to 10 per cent of the Entrance Fee as a refundable deposit towards his contigent liabilities with the Club and upon the withdrawal or rejection of his application or the cessation of his membership for whatever reason the deposit shall be refunded to him free of interest but after deducting such liabilities as may be due from him to the Club.
Ipoh Swimming Club
- +6 (05) 254 4176
144 Jalan Kelab Renang,
Off Jalan Sultan Nazrin Shah,
31350 Ipoh Perak Darul Ridzuan.
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